Our Mission

Creatures have feelings too. Here at CREATUREFEATURES we specialize in design and realization of characters and content with personality. Be it digital content, real world models, or even cake.
Without personality your creations might as well work for the government.


The hardest part of creating lifelike mountains is just starting.
Seriously, grab some polystyrene, glue it in layers to desired height, then hack away with a hot wire cutter.
Cast some rock outcroppings (woodland scenics)
Next difficult part is making the plaster rocks fit. Easy – just snap pieces off with a set of pliers and carry on. Filler, flock, paint, fill, flock and paint again. Done!

All Trees are magnetized to allow them to be swapped around and other similar sized items be added instead (communication towers perhaps?)

This is a whole lot of fun and you can be done in a weekend (with drying times etc)

Give it a try!

Terrain closeup
Tau Empire inspecting mountain
side shot
Riptide and Crisis Suits Arrive!

Written by

12 Years experience in the film and computer games industries. Python developer, 3d Modeler, Animator & sometime cook. Trevor began objecting to conveniently situated monsters and bad guys from a very young age, leading to a burning desire to add personality and interest into fictional creatures wherever he goes.

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